[thelist] ASPMail component behavior

Mark Kamian mhkamian at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 7 19:55:33 CDT 2008


I'm using Server Objects ASPMAIL to create a multi-part mail for html and plain text email viewers. Within the BodyText, I'm including a hyperlink. The strangest thing is happening, however: The page in the hyperlink is actually being called when the .SendMail method is called. The browser doesn't direct to it, but upon inspection of the log files there it is: A GET to the page that is hyperlinked.  This is beyond me.

If I remove the <a>...</a> and merely display the URL as text, everything works as expected.

Has anyone experienced this?

Some (abbreviated) code:


If Form submitted Then

'** grab variables, input into db, put together an email:

CritTextLine = "Welcome, " & NAME & "!"
'** Other plain text email stuff here- all this works fine

CritHTMLLine = "<html><body><font face=""Verdana,Arial"" size=""2"">Welcome, " & NAME & "!"
'** Other html email stuff here...
'** Critical part here --> this eupd.asp page is being called.
CritHTMLLine = CritHTMLLine & "<br /><a href=""http://www." & useridURL & ".domain1.com/cl/eupd.asp?a=mnl&ID=" & ID & """>Please click this link for more info...</a>"
CritHTMLLine = CritHTMLLine & "</font></body></html>"

'** From SO's multmail.asp to send multi-part emails...
BOUNDARY = "----xxxxxx"
TEXT_HEADER = "--" & BOUNDARY & VBCrLf & "Content-Type: text/plain;" & VBCrLf & _
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable" & VBCrLf & VBCrLf
HTML_HEADER = "--" & BOUNDARY & VBCrLf & "Content-Type: text/html;" & VBCrLf & _
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable" & VBCrLf & VBCrLf
MP_FOOTER = "--" & BOUNDARY & "--" & VBCrLf

strTextBody = CritTextLine
strHTMLBody = CritHTMLLine
strBody = TEXT_HEADER & strTextBody & VBCrLf & HTML_HEADER & strHTMLBody & VBCrLf & MP_FOOTER

Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("SMTPsvg.Mailer")
%><!--#include virtual="/includes/MailRemHost.asp"--><%
Mailer.FromName = """" & CNM & """"
Mailer.FromAddress = "postmaster at domain1.com"
Mailer.ReplyTo = EN_EMAIL
Mailer.AddRecipient """" & NAME & """", EMAIL
Mailer.Subject = userid & " Registration / Activation required"
Mailer.ContentType = "multipart/alternative; boundary=""" & BOUNDARY & """"
Mailer.BodyText = strBody
Set Mailer = Nothing

End If


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