[thelist] Simple SQL Problem

Fred Jones fredthejonester at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 16:26:29 CST 2009

> SELECT nid from nidtable
> LEFT JOIN linktable ON linktable.nid=nidtable.nid
> WHERE tid=5;
> This will give me 1 and 2.
> but how do I make a SELECT to get all rows from nidtable that have
> both a 5 and 6 in linktable? I want to get just row 1.

One way is to use multiple left joins:

SELECT nid from nidtable
LEFT JOIN linktable ON linktable.nid=nidtable.nid
LEFT JOIN linktable as Join2 ON Join2.nid=nidtable.nid
WHERE linktable.tid=5 and Join2.tid=6;

Seems to work. :)

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