[thelist] need help selecting dataset from db for use in spreadsheet

Jay Turley jayturley at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 13:57:33 CDT 2009

Hi all-

Top of the database day to you! I am currently generating a resultset using
some joins which results in something like this

item_id | item_name | item_attribute | attribute_value
1 | A | a1 | v1
1 | A | a2 | v2
2 | B | a1 | v3
2 | B | a2 | v4
3 | C | a1 | v5
3 | C | a2 | v6

This results from a query similar to:

    items i
inner join
    item_details id
    i.item_id = id.item_id
    id.attribute_value <> '' and id.attribute_value is not null
inner join
    item_attributes ia
    id.attribute_id = ia.attribute_id
    id.attribute_id in (1, 2)
order by
    i.name asc

What I want is to get the data out in a spreadsheet-friendly format:

item_id | name | item_attribute_1 | item_attribute_2
1 | A | v1 | v2
2 | B | v3 | v4
3 | C | v5 | v6

I know there's a standard way of approaching this but for the life of me I
can't remember OR find it online. Can one of our database experts give me a
pointer, please?

Thanks a ton!


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