[thelist] how do you manage/respond?

Martin Burns martin at easyweb.co.uk
Fri May 29 15:44:57 CDT 2009

On 29 May 2009, at 16:41, Joel D Canfield wrote:

> as long as they're the customer, you service 'em in spades. if they  
> want
> it now, you do what's humanly possible to make it happen now.

Your lawyer would like to point out at this juncture that you should  
*never* use the phrase "Best Efforts[1]" as that literally means that  
you will pull out every stop to do it, even if you end up being  
screwed in the process.

While of course you should do what you can, always always always think  
and say "Commercially Reasonable Endeavours".


[1] Which Joel didn't use, but I felt it coming over the horizon
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