[thelist] Just moved from Vista to Ubuntu -Web Dev Help???

Fred Jones fredthejonester at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 01:59:44 CDT 2009

> So now, I want to recreate my web dev environment as much as I can. I had
> the WAMP stack, mySQL, and I used Notepad++ as an editor.

Notepad++: http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/nppLinux.php but I
would recommend switching to a native editor. Notepad++ is based on
scintilla: http://www.scintilla.org/SciTE.html if you really like
that. But there are plenty of others.


Took 30 seconds on Google to find those. I have setup LAMP on an
Ubuntu workstation once or twice--just follow the directions and you
should be OK.


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