[thelist] Thumbnail gallery with ajax loaded images in lightbox

Bob Meetin bobm at dottedi.biz
Sun Apr 21 10:57:17 CDT 2013

I've google and looked at perhaps 50 various jQuery galleries for a solution.

The requirements:

1) To display a large number of thumbnails on a page with captions like a simple gallery (this is the easy part).  We want to display all the thumbs in a view as opposed to displaying a single image slideshow with thumb navigation.

2) Click on a thumbnail and it initiates an ajaxy lightbox and dynamically loads the images as it moves along.

Ceebox is the closest I've found and seems to be ajaxy, visit http://www.hotajax.org/demo/CeeBox/test.html and scroll down to Image Gallery with next/prev

jQuery lightbox Plugin is close for look/feel but not ajaxy - http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/

Any recommendations beyond Ceebox (which is decent) but I'd like to see some other options?


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