[thelist] Books

Christopher Marsh Christopher.Marsh at akqa.com
Tue Sep 24 16:16:39 CDT 2013


On 24/09/2013 22:02, "erik mattheis" <gozz at gozz.com> wrote:

>I'm looking for suggestions for what I can read to allow me to come back
>from vacation a better programmer. I think I'm receiving The Pragmatic
>Programmer as a gift  and am really looking forward to it- so maybe along
>those lines but not that specific book.
>Something with a lot of JS or PHP examples which are current would be nice
>too. I'd be an expert in both if it was still 2002, ha ha.

I'd recommend Continuous Delivery
Wesley/dp/0321601912), and (if you want to read something specific to
javascript) Javascript: The Good Parts

Cheers, Chris

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