[thechat] what's real vs. what's pretend.

Joe Crawford jcrawford at avencom.com
Tue May 15 19:02:02 CDT 2001

This gets to something more fundamental - how do you teach kids what's
real and what's not real?

Like the digital manipulation of live video - adding ads, adding first
yard lines, adding things to tell pitching speed.

I think cartoons are unhealthy if that's all you're exposed to, without
guidance from adults - but I was always taught that some things are
real, and some are pretend. Monsters - not real, so it's fun to be
scared of them. Ted Bundy, real, so it's not funny to be scared of them.

I actually bought a domain for a blog (yeah, like I *need* more
projects) - thatspretend.com - where I can talk about things that are
faked and not real in the media -- alien autopsy, the way photographs in
magazines of the beautiful models are typically manipulated, the way
commercials distort reality - things like that. still a concept more
than anything - but something I think is important. The real/unreal line
is getting fuzzier all the time.

Anyone have thoughts on that?

Anyone with suggestions please feel free to write me
(mailto:joe at artlung.com?subject=thatspretend)

	- joe <http://artlung.com/>

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