[thechat] Mythology was comics

deke web at master.gen.in.us
Wed May 23 18:41:26 CDT 2001

On 23 May 2001, at 11:38, McCreath_David posted a message which said:

> >When someone says "nondenominational Christianity", they are
> >saying "We DEFINE Christianity", and if you don't believe what 
> >they believe, you aren't a Christian".  That kind of unchristian
> >attitude towards fellow travellers inspired the bumper sticker that
> >says "God, please save us from your followers"

> I'm not quite sure I follow, deke. When someone says "nondenominational",
> they're saying, "We don't belong to a denomination. We are defining
> Christianity this way for ourselves." I've never been told by a nondenom
> member that I'm not a Christian because I don't adhere to his beliefs. In
> fact, I've found that members of large, established Christian denominations
> can make statements just as judgemental and obnoxious as anyone else. It
> comes down to the person, and making sweeping statements about millions of
> people is going to trip you up every time.

The methodist doctrine describes the beliefs of a methodist. If you don't
agree with it, you aren't really a methodist - but you can very well be 
a christian,

The lutheran doctrine describes the beliefs of a lutheran. If you don't
agree with it, you aren't really a lutheran - but you can very well be 
a christian,

The nazarene doctrine describes the beliefs of a nazarene. If you don't
agree with it, you aren't really a nazarene - but you can very well be 
a christian,

But those who describe themselves as "non-denominational christians"
say "if you don't agree with what we believe, you're not a christian."

That's baloney. If you are a group of people with an agreed-upon set
of beliefs, then you are a denomination. If you don't have a set of
beliefs, then you are a secular organization. Most of them worship
Paul's teachings rather than those of Jesus, his brother James, 
and the home church in Jerusalem; but that's OK. They are perfectly
free to follow Paul. What I object to is that the so-called 
"non-denominational christians", in defining themselves as the *only* 
christians, are hardly exhibiting christian behavior. 


 "The church is near but the road is icy; 
  the bar is far away but I will walk carefully." 
                            -- Russian Proverb

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