[thechat] CFusion- won't parse my page.. dislikes my # sign.. ?

Daniel J. Cody djc at starkmedia.com
Fri Jul 20 17:14:08 CDT 2001

this should go on thelist for future reference charles :) (it happens to 
me all the time too)

Charles Wilson wrote:

> Invalid parser construct found on line 15 at position 14. ColdFusion was looking at the following
> text:
> #

>   <CFSET form.bodycontent = Replace(form.bodycontent, ', '')>

your replace function should be
<CFSET form.bodycontent = #Replace(form.bodycontent, ', '')#>

>  <CFQUERY name="InsertNewPage" datasource="purplemonkeydishwater">
>    INSERT INTO body_content
>        (page, body_content, page_title)
>      VALUES('#form.page#', '#form.body_content#', '#form.page_title#')

and you're trying to insert a value called form.body_content into the 
body_content column, but I can't see where you've defined 
form.body_content, only form.bodycontent

that'll probably fix whatever is puking, but i'm not real careful at 5pm 
on fridays :)
(reply to thelist if that doesn't work)

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