[thechat] On July 20th, 1969, humans first set foot on the Moon.

Ron White ronwhite at members.evolt.org
Sun Jul 21 09:50:10 CDT 2002

>On July 20th, 1969, humans first set foot on the Moon.
Watching on the tube, started a life long fascination with space that...[1]

  -- september 11 2001
Was watching Today show, when Matt says we have reports that a plane might
have hit the WTC. Then they went to a live shot and had some woman on the
phone who was about a block away and while they were talking to her over the
live shot I watched the second plane drive into the building in complete and
utter shock. Her response was quite telling - "Oh My God, another plane just
hit the other one, I'm out of here!" She called back later from about 10
blocks away...
  -- january 16 1991
Way kewl fireworks show on CNN...
  -- january 28 1986
[1] ...was severely curtailed by this day... I was watching the launch from
the roof of my fraternity in Gainesville, FL. We had a portable TV to show
the launch and low altitude climb and 2 seconds after climbing over the
trees where we could see it in the distance, it happened. My first words
were, "Holy shit, it just exploded!" The folks with me said, "No, its just
the boosters separating", I replied, "Do you see anything continuing up in
the middle?" then the jaws dropped... Haven't been able to watch a launch
since, something I used to enjoy immensely. Shit, my eyes are even tearing
up as I write this...

  -- september 18 1970
Local AM rock station (Yes, boys and girls AM used to THE radio band :-)),
played nothing but Jimi for hours on end, even after hearing it half a dozen
times, I still thought he was saying, "'Scuse me while I kiss this guy!"
  -- november 22 1963
This was my due date, guess the stress kept my mom from going into labor and
I ended up being a Turkey baby :-)

April 5, 1968 - I grew up in a mixed race neighborhood and my black friends'
parents were grief stricken. I wasn't sure what had happened, just knew that
it wasn't good...

There's lots more, but this is getting too damn depressing...


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