[thechat] I want one of these

Jonathon Isaac Swiderski jswiders at cs.oberlin.edu
Mon Jul 22 23:33:01 CDT 2002

Today, the cows mooved John Handelaar to write:

> <http://www.clickandbuild.com/cnb/shop/cashncarrion?listPos=&op=catalogue-products-null&prodCategoryID=5>

hmm . . . hmmm . . . how much is 15 pounds (the total, incl. world shipping
:D ) in USD?

oh, who the hell cares.

Jonathon Isaac Swiderski       jswiders at cs.oberlin.edu
cs.oberlin.edu/~jswiders \\ members.evolt.org/jswiders

Tombstone: Here lies an atheist; all dressed up and no place to go.

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