[thechat] King Preaches Abstinence to Parading Maidens

Heironymous Bosch jeromebosch at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 12 10:38:13 CDT 2002

| It's a scientific fact that men have much more
| inclination towards sex than women and they
| often look for different women for sex.

Syed, this is not true.  Men and women are having equal sex drives.  Some
men look for different women, but only because their wives are unresponsive.
Scientists have recently figured the reason for this. They have discovered
that female sex drive is almost completely suppressed by consumption of a
fairly common food substance.  It is called the wedding cake.

All jesting aside, let me tell you the real truth ==> women fuck around just
as much as men.  Anything you may see that deviates from this is due to
__cultural_suppression__ and that is the source of half of the world's
problems.  (The other half is due to the laughable concept that there is
some higher deity, but perhaps we start a different thread to debate that.)

Look at the bonobos.  Sex is a social stabilizer.  Humans are the deviant


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