AW: [thechat] King Preaches Abstinence to Parading Maidens

Eike Pierstorff eike.pierstorff at
Sat Sep 14 05:39:01 CDT 2002

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> > Syed, the Koran/Quran is NOT a science manual lol!  If it is,
> it's a very
> > very bad one!
> Sorry William, I just confused the meanings of "dense" with "thin". I have
> already confessed about my mistake.
> Quran is really not a science book but Quran tells us scientific
> facts to make
> us believe.

The word "scientific" seems to be the offender here, but I guess one would
have to agree that religious rules are often based upon observation of
nature - like "You shall not eat an animal that will give you instant
trichinosis" or "You shall cover your body or else you'll get a sunburn in
the Saharah desert". After all, the Prophets didn't know about tinned ham
and air conditioning. And I guess that's why many people feel uneasy about
organized religions - rules are kept up although the reasons they've been
invented for have become obsolete (on the other hand, that's probably what
makes religious people feel uneasy about technical progress - that it
provides tinned ham and air conditioning, but no ethical framework for a

-- eike

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