German society (was: AW: [thechat] King Preaches Abstinence to Parading Maidens)

Joxn joxn at
Mon Sep 16 02:14:01 CDT 2002

could you please provide sources for your quotes below?

Otherwise, I suggest that you don't quote in such a way, especially not
about these kind of things.


Eike Pierstorff wrote:
>  Foreigners are constantly defined as a threat -
> "taking away jobs frim the germans" (Chancellor SChröder et al), "arab drug
> dealers" (current home secretary Otto Schily), "threat to the purity of our
> race"  (Edmund Stoiber, who is running for chancellor in the upcoming
> elections), "muslims who want to destroy our social security system by
> getting too many children" (party leader Frey), "rats" (would-be state
> secretary Schönbohm), "blackmailing jews who just want to get german money"
> (more or less everybody). Many of the accused turks, jews, arabs, muslims,
> blacks etc are not even 'foreigners' (but german citizens) but the word is
> used in a strictly racist sense - somebody without "german blood"

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