[thechat] funny strange (+ attn: admin)

Erik Mattheis gozz at gozz.com
Tue Jan 14 14:03:00 CST 2003

I had just noticed I'd typed my telephone wrong in my sig and was
changing it when the phone rang. The caller identified himself as such
and such from a security company and explained how he received a
message from me with the subject [a post I had just sent to thelist]
and he needed my help and he was about to call the State Attorney
General and the FBI.

He had recently fired his CIO because he couldn't get any work out of
him, and then he found out the guy had been running "five businesses
from work" and now he was getting questions from people all over the
world and it was reeking havoc on his business.

After figuring out what was going on, I explained that he should email
from the former CIOs address to admin at lists.evolt.org and explain a
former employee was subscribed to the list, etc, and that the questions
from people from all over the world probably didn't have anything to do
with any businesses his employee may have been running.

That's the funny-sad thing.

The funny-strange thing it that he somehow called my correct telephone
number despite the fact that one of the digits was wrong. And it was
the very message of mine that he was referring to that I noticed I had
typed my number wrong. [insert Twilight Zone Theme].

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