[thechat] Amazon lost it.

Paul Cowan evolt at funkwit.com
Fri Jan 17 00:31:16 CST 2003

Shirley Kaiser wrote:
> Madhu, haven't you heard? It's the amazon.com alzheimer's virus...

<joke offensive="somewhat">

An old chap goes to see the doctor. The doctor examines him, and
says "Sit down, old timer, I've got two pieces of terrible news
for you."

The old fella duly sits down, and the doctor says "OK. First things
first. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you've got AIDS."

The old man looks shocked, and shakes his head. "Goodness me.
That's awful, doc. So, uh, what's the other thing?"

The doc looks at him sadly and says "I'm sorry to tell you this sir,
but you have Alzheimer's disease."

The old man looks relieved, and says "Well, at least you didn't
tell me I've got bloody AIDS or something."


<joke offensive="somewhat" stupidity="very">

Four old chaps with Alzheimer's are sharing a house together. One
is walking down the stairs, stops half way, and says "I can't
remember... was I going up the stairs or down the stairs?"

The other one is getting out of the bath, and stops, and says
"Was I about to have a bath and I'm getting in, or did I just
have a bath and I'm getting out?"

The third chap is getting the bread out of the pantry, and says
"Am I making myself a sandwich, or did I just have one and I'm
putting the bread away?"

The last bloke listens to all of this, bemused, and says to himself:
"Well, I might be silly, but at least I'm not as silly as those
three old fools, knock on wood. Hang on... is that the front door or
the back door?"



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