[thechat] Presentation of food

Ken Kogler ken.kogler at curf.edu
Sat Feb 1 22:32:00 CST 2003

> steak should be bloody but hot

Yeah, I'd eat it that way. I can't stomach a well-done steak though. It
pained me to cook them during high school (worked at a low-class chain
of steakhouses for 3 years and turned out some damn fine steaks if I do
say so myself... Too bad the buffet was total crap.)

My favorite steak: Pink and hot in the middle, with as little actual
blood as possible. This stage is usually somwhere between medium-rare
and medium. Oh, and it should have a peppercorn crust.

All steaks *must* be served with a loaded baked potato as well. Atkins
can bite me. :p


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