[thechat] protests?

Mike Migurski mike at saturn5.com
Fri Mar 21 13:20:05 CST 2003

>> they're almost certainly still working on the notion that large enough,
>> and noticable enough demonstrations will change Bush's mind. I'm
>> guessing it's noticable they're going for, but I think there are better
>> ways to do it.
>Is that was these protests are supposed to accomplish? Bush is just going
>to look at the TV one day, and say "oh, I didn't know. Shit." and just
>call all out troops back?

I don't think anyone expects that to happen - the most one can hope for at
this point is that the war ends quickly with a minimum of casualties, and
that the U.S. has the testicular fortitude to follow through with its
promises of fostering peace in the region, unilaterally I suppose.

>I understand that people are looking to voice their opinions, but can
>these protests really be viewed as a force for change, or are they just
>people venting their frustration?

I think now that it's started, it's just venting. Which is a good thing, I
believe - large scale, public displays of commonly-experienced emotion are
healthy, and can only help to decrease the levels of political apathy, and
(hopefully) increase people's civic involvement in their home cities. And
at the very least, it gets you away from the chatter of network news.
What's the alternate option - stay home, pout, watch TV?

michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:

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