[thechat] Computer plays 20 questions

Lauri Vain lauri_lists at tharapita.com
Sun Apr 27 06:47:33 CDT 2003

> A game called Twenty Questions that is developed using the Neural 
> networks  & AI where you play against the AI system. You think 
> of something, and the program will try to guess the  object you have 
> in mind. This exercise in Artificial Intelligence is the work of 
> Software Developer, Robin Burgener, and it has been "learning" 
> for about ten years.  Though not yet completely perfected, it still 
> is good.

We tried it out with friends about two weeks ago and it was pretty darn
impressive. When we intentionally thought of harder to guess objects, it
guessed it right about 2/3 of all times. Its database of item
descriptions seems really massive when it could guess many of the items
that we thought of. 


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