[Theforum] International article series idea

Isaac Forman isaac at triplezero.com.au
Mon Mar 4 18:14:45 CST 2002


Just thinking... What if we ran a series of Commentary&Society-style
articles that gave some insight into working for a small web company, or
freelancing, in various countries.

Madhu has his end covered in India. Everytime Lisa Frost posts and mentions
Thailand, I'm itching to ask her what it's like to live and work there (I
loved Thailand). Marc Seyon (I think) works in Trinidad (or something
similar) and wrote me a lengthy offlist email about things over there when I
asked. Javi has Chile taken care of. Steve Cook has Sweden AFAIK. The list
goes on. Hell, we even have that guy in Nigeria (sorry, forgotten the name).
And Syed from Pakistan (if he can write about the Web in Pakistan without
mentioning Kashmir). I will take Australia. There can be lots of fighting
over who gets the US and Canada (or you could break it into East/West Coast
and/or states/provinces if the differences warrant that).

Each article could cover relevant issues such as ease and pricing of access
to the internet, pricing of hardware, the job market, tips&tricks to staying
afloat (i.e., government assistance, visas), how strong competition is,
level of quality in programming, design, etc.


If you all think this is a good idea, we could start by building a skeletal
document with headings that each country's representative should address
(I've mentioned a few above, but I'm sure people will have more ideas).


triple zero digital | upstairs at 200 the parade, norwood 5067
(08)83320545 | www.triplezero.com.au | isaac at triplezero.com.au

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