[theforum] Can't get on steering, finance or sysadmin

s t e f evolt at nota-bene.org
Fri May 21 08:04:13 CDT 2004

>> As for me, I really feel better in this community now than, say, two
>> years ago... maybe it's just because I'm more involved in it, I don't
>> know.
> It seems to have gone the opposite way for me. I feel less involved and
> more cut-off.

C'mooon, now that you've got your brand new Finance membership? ;)

> I noticed it all falling apart when meo was taken offline. Before then
> the community seemed both fairly tight-knit but also open to new people
> at the same time. People like JesterUK and MartinT seemed to have moved
> on. There also used to be loads of really good PHP articles being
> posted, whereas these seemed to have dried up now.

Mmmh. I think I see what you mean.

It's hard to have people contribute good content.

The other day on the irc we had kind of the same discussion, and we ended
up saying that most of the high-tech questions remain unanswered, and that
thelist seems to have the same questions again and again, like CSS tricks,
some JS, basic PHP trouble with global variables, and the likes.

I don't know. Maybe we've grown our technical skills and have become each
of us in our corners specialised, and maybe the community doesn't permit
this 'niche' specialisation.
(which reminds me I've got trouble with my IIS/PHP/MySQL setup and should
ask thelist, just in case, instead of doing catching-up reading)

> If I knew exactly what had caused the loss of community I feel, I'd
> probably be able to change it back somehow. :)

Go, go, go ;)
(yeah, right)

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