[thesite] a sense of validation...

McCreath_David McCreath_David at xmail.asd.k12.ak.us
Wed Dec 13 16:41:49 CST 2000

So I'm working on the sidebar (dsp_search.cfm and dsp_login.cfm
specifically) and I figured I had it to where it should validate except for
the querystrings, so I save a static copy and try it:


and it validates!

Jeff, did you do something to make the SSURL scheme work in the sidebar? Or
does this have something to do with the fact that it's a static page?

At any rate, the homepage now validates and the sidebar shouldn't be causing
anymore HTML errors. The tabnavbarblackthingie still needs to be updated to
Adrian's latest iteration (it currently validates and functions, but doesn't
look as nice...the alignments a little off).

More later...


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