[thesite] codefest 2.0 itineraries..

isaac isaac at members.evolt.org
Wed Nov 15 22:20:23 CST 2000

> 86.4 to be exact :-)
> (9/5 * C) + 32 = F
> (F - 32)*5/9 = C
> Its going to be 33 where they are as well

fuck. 33f. that's like 0c. the only times i've ever been in 0c weather is
occasionally in the middle of winter. at night. the lowest i've *ever*
experienced during the day is maybe 9-13c.

i know that i ask this all the time, but how do you guys survive?!? you
haven't even hit winter 'for real' yet, right?

my wife complains if it goes below 22c (about 72f)...

(sitting in shorts with the aircon running)

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