[thesite] cubic

Filip Salomonsson filip at netdesign.se
Sun Aug 12 17:58:22 CDT 2001

Daniel J. Cody:
> good to have you on board filip!


> one thing we need to keep in mind here is the ability to add recognition
> for things other than articles.
> maybe some deliniation of some type to show that a user has contributed
> 45 articles, has an overall rating of all articles of 3.7, contributes
> to thesite list, and can have sex upside down..
> well, maybe not that last one, but you get the picture :)
> in the long run, we want to recognized things other than articles.

Do you mean as separate ratings (cubes, a number and a little sex icon), or
calculating an overall rating taking all of those things into account (just
cubes)? The latter would be an interesting approach - recognizing quality as
well as quantity, as long as the "algorithm" is made as complete as possible
from the very start. I don't think people would like having their rating
drop a step or two because om some change in the way it's calculated.

Sounds to me like a better approach than just counting the articles written.
Any other thoughts on this?

> weee! community!



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