[thesite] aeo mail [bug]

Martin Burns martin at easyweb.co.uk
Fri Aug 24 17:18:56 CDT 2001

I'm thinking this should be over here...

I got in with that last email before you answered it, Dan.

I untook it from you, took it myself, and hit the 'Answer'
button, and got this error:

*	Diagnostics:

The attribute value is an invalid expression: An error has occurred while 
processing the expression:


Error near line 1, column 3.

Error resolving parameter SESSION.USEREMAIL

The session variable USEREMAIL does not exist. The cause of this error is 
very likely one of the following things:

1.	The name of the session variable has been misspelled.
2.	The session variable has not yet been created.
3.	The session variable has timed out.

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier 
of (CFMAIL), occupying document position (13:3) to (13:125) in the 
template file /home/evolt/admin_html/email/act_show.cfm.

*	DateTime:
Fri Aug 24 17:17:11 2001
*	Browser:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC)
*	Content:
*	Remote Address:
*	Refering Document:
*	Template:
*	Query String:

Please email this page to dan.

email: martin at easyweb.co.uk             PGP ID: 0xA835CCCB
       martin at members.evolt.org      snailmail: 30 Shandon Place
  tel: +44 (0)774 063 9985                      Edinburgh,
  url: http://www.easyweb.co.uk                 Scotland

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