[thesite] hosting listings on d.e.o.

David McCreath mccreath at ak.net
Wed Aug 29 11:24:33 CDT 2001

Since that hosting question keeps coming up on thelist, I was wondering
if it would be within the scope of d.e.o. to put in a "hosting" section.

I could see it going two ways: since the general idea behind d.e.o. is
"This is a good resource", we would conceivably end up with only
recommended hosts. Of course, that's only theoretical and since we can
always find one person who loves a particular host and one person who
hates that same host, we would inevitably end up with somebody thinking
that some host shouldn't be linked.

Or we could have a section where evolt members could rate hosts and
leave comments. I know there are several sites out there like that
already, but I personally would trust a stack of ratings from evolt
members more than some group of editors from C|NET.



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