[thesite] dave, questino?

Daniel J. Cody djc at starkmedia.com
Tue Feb 6 11:00:37 CST 2001

mccreath wrote:

> But I've got pages and pages and pages of results. ? Is that 11 supposed to
> be the total number of hits? Or the number on each page? Me confoozed.

should be fixed now..

> And is it possible to do more complete paging for the results? I don't know
> nuttin about verity or whatever it is you're using to generate the results,
> but at least a "back" button to go with the "more"...

see what i can do..

> Um...how about giving all the rows in the results a valign="top" attribute?
> http://home.gci.net/~mccreath/evolt/leo/danresults.html

should be good to go.

> Oh, yah...when I was talking about the leo architecture earlier, I was using
> the wrong word. I meant the structure that a user sees and how some of the

i hear what you're saying about redoing some of the forms.. take a look 
at the index.cfm in thelist/ directory sometime ;)


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