[thesite] Print version of evolt.org articles

Seth Bienek seth at sethbienek.com
Thu Jul 19 11:15:28 CDT 2001

There's a great CF Custom Tag that uses regular expressions to color-code and escape code examples (similar to HomeSite's color coding)...  Don't know if it's an option, but it certainly is cool..  The tag is called cf_ColoredCode.. It would be easy enough to change the name to code.cfm and call it as <cf_code> and </cf_code> around code examples..

There's a copy of it at leo/mporter/ColoredCode.cfm

Just thought I'd mention it...


"Each of us has a spark of life inside us, and our highest endeavor ought to be to set off that spark in one another."  -Kenny Ausubel

Seth Bienek
Digitaris Technologies, Inc.
tel (972) 690-4131, ext. 103
fax (972) 690-0617
icq 7673959

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