[thesite] Print version of evolt.org articles

aardvark roselli at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 19 15:01:30 CDT 2001

> From: Dean Mah <dsmah at home.com>
> ID: 253, Name: Give the User Control Over Your Fonts.
> ID: 416, Name: Let the User Skip the Splash Page
> ID: 4438, Name: Breadcrumbs for Those Using ASP

ok, this kinda makes me wonder if all this goes *way* back to 
when there was a period of time when submitting, editing, and re-
submitting resulted in your escaped characters getting converted to 
the real character....

cuz i *know* i escaped those little fuckers...

in fact, here's some source from Breadcrumbs in ASP:

<textarea cols="35" rows="10" onFocus="this.select()" 
class="code" style="width: 100%">
&lt;% PageTitle = "About Us" %&gt;
&lt;!--#include virtual ="/includes/breadcrumb.asp"--&gt;

&lt;html lang="en-us"&gt;

&lt;title&gt;&lt;% = PageTitle %&gt;&lt;/title&gt;

unless someone fixed it... and the other two...


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