[thesite] the stylesheet and the btnbt

aardvark roselli at earthlink.net
Sun Jul 22 23:19:24 CDT 2001

> From: "mccreath" <mccreath at ak.net>
> I think the top nav actually could be enough, but maybe it needs a
> label like "the evolt network" or something (I don't actually like
> that particular suggestion, but it show the direction of thought).

evolt.org sites: Join | Browsers | Lists | Tips | Members | Directory

> I think it could also help to mention some of the other sites in the
> FAQ for each site.

that should be a given...

> We might also consider having the some form of "What is evolt?" in
> each and every domain's FAQ, because you never know which of these
> domains will be someone's first *eo experience.

also should be a given...

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