[thesite] Tips Database

Dean Mah dsmah at home.com
Mon Jul 23 12:46:24 CDT 2001

Seth Bienek writes:

> > Okay, all of the messages are in THELIST table now.
> I couldn't connect to the datasource for thelist - I think it was a
> MYSQL table.
> What is the structure of the Oracle table? Dan? Anyone?

SQL> desc thelist
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ---------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 LISTID                                            NUMBER
 MESSAGEID                                         NUMBER
 HDR_MESSAGEID                                     VARCHAR2(512)
 HDR_FROMNAME                                      VARCHAR2(512)
 HDR_FROMEMAIL                                     VARCHAR2(512)
 HDR_TOEMAIL                                       VARCHAR2(1024)
 HDR_SUBJECT                                       VARCHAR2(512)
 HDR_DATE                                          VARCHAR2(512)
 HDR_INREPLYTO                                     VARCHAR2(512)
 BDY_CONTENT                                       LONG

> > Not sure what the plan for tip extraction is.
> The plan for tip extraction (not optimized for performance but
> should give you the idea):
> Select id, fromemail, messagebody
> from thelist
> loop through results
>    (parse messagebody for tips
>     for each tip
>       (insert into thetips (tipid, messageid, fromemail, attribauthor, attribtype, tipcontent)
>        values...  etc..
>       )
>    )

Okay.  That's what I did the first time that I inserted only the tips
into the database.  When does this process run?  How often?  How do
messages from thelist get into the table THELIST?


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