[thesite] Priv Levels, Voting App. and UEUE

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Thu Nov 1 19:30:11 CST 2001


> From: rudy
> let's keep it simple

my point exactly.

> we already have members, even though we have not yet
> physically created their member records or assigned
> them the priv 2 level -- nevertheless, that's where
> we're headed

*and* since we've not gone there yet, there's nothing that says we can't
have the assignment of priv 2 be something that's done manually (ie, by a
human) rather than automatically.  that prevents anybody from just walking
in a getting voting privileges.

> furthemore, let's not forget we don't even know for sure
> what kind of voting we're talking about here

amen.  the way i see it there's no argument in the world that says we won't
want votes that go all up and done the priv scale, including priv 0.  in
fact, as soon as this application is built and in place, i'm guessing we're
going to come up with all sorts of new uses for it.


jeff at members.evolt.org

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