[thesite] [bug] t.e.o styles..

Warden, Matt mwarden at mattwarden.com
Mon Nov 12 15:51:26 CST 2001

On Nov 12, Erika Meyer had something to say about Re: [thesite] [bug] t.e.o...

>>seriously, if you can't be bothered to simply let people who are 
>>also trying to work with you on this know what you're doing, don't 
>>bother working on it at all.
>This sort of language "if you can't be bothered..." etc comes across 
>as combative and accusatory... even abusive.   It is not at all 
>pleasant to witness.  Even less pleasant to be the brunt of, and as 
>you know, I speak from experience.

Yeah, I agree. Unfortunately, .jeff's been on the other side of it as
well, so it's probably just how they prefer to speak to each other.



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