[thesite] test.evolt.org change fyi

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Thu Nov 15 23:10:04 CST 2001


> From: isaac
> i'm happy with that once the SQL is correct

i think it's fixed now.  try it and see.

i'd do it, but i don't wanna walk over changes you've made.

> (unless you can prove i'm only worth that 1.78/5 :p)

with 57 articles, hell yeah you're only worth 1.78 of 5.  ;p

> btw, when can i start making a WEO stats page which
> shows top 10 article writers, top 10 comment givers,
> top 10 rating giver, etc? i think that would be fun.

yeah, i'd like to do something like that too.

> if you tell me where to start putting in the code, and
> which URL will get me there, i'll start playing around.

message me offlist.  i'm not completely sure what you're asking.



jeff at members.evolt.org

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