[thesite] [t.e.o.] [Bug] Recent Threads on thelist ?

aardvark roselli at earthlink.net
Fri Nov 16 00:26:32 CST 2001

> From: "Russell J. Jungwirth" <jungwirr at chumpsquad.com>
> I know that too many cooks spoil the soup, but I've gotta add my two
> cents.  Does evolt.org have a set of style conventions?  If we do,

one was started, and much of what you see on the site and in the 
graphics faq (http://evolt.org/evolt_images/index.html) was driven 
from that unofficial and incomplete document...

i recall much of it, mostly relating to the logo... the name is 
evolt.org, with the ".org", and lower-case except at the start of a 

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