[thesite] test.evolt.org change fyi

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Fri Nov 16 00:46:45 CST 2001


> From: aardvark
> - images early on, will those be a problem for the wrap?
>   what about code blocks?  who wanna test?  at 640,
>   it'll get awfully, um, broken... even though the top
>   of the page is least likely to have an image or
>   caption...

we've got code blocks here

> - consider an article with captions, notice how nicely
>   the captions (when styled) fit the design now?
>   http://test.evolt.org/article/sissy/20/15177/

don't go look at that in nn4, you won't be happy with what you see.  ;p

the same is true for the author block we're adding now as well.  i'm *so*
not sure what's causing the problems.



jeff at members.evolt.org

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