[thesite] Back to the Drawing board for UEUE?

Warden, Matt mwarden at mattwarden.com
Fri Nov 16 14:10:55 CST 2001

On Nov 16, Rory.Plaire at wahchang.com had something to say about RE:...

>| So, yeah, w.e.o's fine now. But, like I said, the purpose of 
>| UEUE is to
>| "hook in" other sites without creating duplicates of things like the
>| member table, etc.
>Is there anyway to look at m.e.o as an application, so that application.cfm
>would run before accessing member pages?
>That way, UEUE could be sent the authentication cookies and authenticate and
>authorize the user, but not pass on this information to the contained or
>requesting site.

how does that help:



And I don't know how application.cfm would supress cookie info even if a
.cfm file was called... but maybe that's because I know less that jack
about CF...



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