[thesite] Back to the Drawing board for UEUE?

Rory.Plaire at wahchang.com Rory.Plaire at wahchang.com
Fri Nov 16 14:19:43 CST 2001

| how does that help:
| http://members.evolt.org/cookie/steelorz/h4x0rz.php

Because, if m.e.o. was an application, which basically then redired to the
member site, then application.cfm would come first. That is why I asked if
it was feasible to think about it this way...

| And I don't know how application.cfm would supress cookie 
| info even if a
| .cfm file was called... 

[in application.cfm]
<cfmodule template="authenticate.cfm" userhash=cookie.userhash

<cfset cookie.userhash = "">
<cflocation URL = #URL.memberURL#>

When cf does a cflocation, the cookies aren't resent from the browser. I
think it is an HTTP thing.

| but maybe that's because I know less that jack
| about CF...

Well, I hope that I'm contributing more positively than jack...

<rory alt="8)"/>

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