WHOA .. slow down - content class ..... :( was Re: [thesite] test.evolt.org change fyi

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Fri Nov 16 14:22:43 CST 2001


> From: Daniel J. Cody
> category editing capability

this is going to be more difficult than i had imagined because of how the
site is structured.  trust that i'm looking into it though.  it's a
nice-to-have, not a must-have though.

> performance related fixes(the 'if anyones bored' thread)

addressed already.

> voting application into CMS

not yet specced out.

> combing code to find inefficiencies(blockfactor thread)

addressed already (see above)

> subsite authentication(UEUE)

separate task.  not at all related to t.e.o. codebase being moved to

> stylesheets - whats good/bad right/wrong

thing we're nearing consensus on this.

> user selectable stylesheets(100% working ?)

as far as i can tell.  i still think there are lots of things about the
initial process that need to be fixed though.

> editing member attributes(big)

still not specced.

> image upload feature

image upload for what?  articles?

> > how is it done now?  dan?  do we just roll the entire
> > codebase from t.e.o. up or just select templates?
> all at once

ok, thanks.


jeff at members.evolt.org

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