[thesite] [bug] t.e.o. - Other Articles Written by this Author

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Fri Nov 16 14:51:18 CST 2001


> From: Warden, Matt
> How many times do you rate a news article? An FAQ
> article?

not often, but what do you call this?


that's a news article that would dominate the top 5 highest rated articles
if we allowed news articles in this listing.

here's another one

this problem is compounded on the article page where we're trying to grab
the "top 5"  articles by the same author (other articles by this author
block) since we can't limit the query to articles with more than 5 ratings
as that would result in most authors not having any articles listed in the
"top 5".  consequently, we end up with the top 5 being articles with a
single rating of 5.

restricting the results to only certain categories is an attempt to get the
better articles out in front of the viewer.

(after re-reading your response, it seems we're in agreement, so i'm only
leaving the bit above in for those who might need alittle more detail or a
different perspective)

> Do you agree that a rating for someone who is just
> passing along news isn't as meaningful as a rating
> for someone who's developed a CF script to handle
> undeliverable mail?

yes.  a news article ratings, to me, is useless especially in those cases
where the news article is nothing more than a copy-n-paste of a pr piece
somewhere else or a link and a sentence or two about it.

> In news, it can really only mean "nice writing skillz"
> or maybe even "I like Macromedia, so I'm giving this
> Macromedia article a high rating" type thing.

or it could mean, hey, i think you're a fab author for posting this bit of
news.  more importantly though, news articles are usually quite
time-sensitive as to their usefulness and therefore shouldn't appear in a
time-less listing of top articles.

> Otherwise, it would seem quite hypocritical to continue
> to exclude those categories from the "Highest Rated
> Articles" list.




jeff at members.evolt.org

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