[thesite] test.evolt.org change fyi

aardvark roselli at earthlink.net
Fri Nov 16 20:26:04 CST 2001

> From: "rudy" <r937 at interlog.com>
> i like matt's idea, a tag that structurally indicates that its content
> is less important (and therefore user agents would be right in
> rendering it in smaller font, or quieter voice, or whatever)
> like, um, <unimportant> or <inessential> or <bushwah>

yeah, i see some value to that, too...

hmmm... how to do that in XML?  and use aural CSS?

mine might be <go_read_something_else>...

or <somebody_else's_problem>...

that latter one we could style pink, because nobody would see it 
anyway... it is, after all, somebody else's problem...

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