[thesite] comment searches

Bruce Heerssen bruce at heerssen.com
Fri Nov 16 22:13:11 CST 2001

On Nov 16, .jeff and some other folks had something to say about: 
RE: [thesite] comment searches

Please allow me to chime in here. Rather than offer a point by point rebuttal 
to the various comments, I'll just spit it all out. It's a bit long, so 
please feel free to skip it if you don't have the time.

I think that any barrier to using a certain functionality of the the site 
(w.e.o specifically) is a huge mistake. The fact is, a whole lot of people do 
not want to register with the site. Nobody can change that, period. Not 
offering regular users the same search functionality as registered users 
discriminates against the former. At best, this will not affect evolt's 
image, at worst, it could do some damage if word got out. On the other hand, 
if we allow regular users this search functionality, it should enhance 
evolt's image because regular users would see added functionality that other 
sites don't have.

Here at evolt, most of us like to say we believe in following good usability 
practices. One of the major no-no's in usability theory is requiring 
registration for areas of a site that do not actually *need* to require 
registration. If anyone disputes this, I'll dig up some links to support my 
statement. In this light, I fail to see how requiring registration for any 
sort of search of public areas in the site can offer any added value to our 
visitors, and by extension, to evolt itself.

As for the hooks to registration, I agree that there should be some, but 
surely offering free web space is enough? (that's what hooked me) If you want 
new hooks for registering, how about a code library or something? IMO, the 
ability to search comments is not much of a hook. I don't mean to disparage 
the idea of searching comments. Quite the contrary, I think it adds 
significant value, just not as a hook for registering. 

my $.02


P.S. - Jeff, you posted a great comment on javascript today - the one 
explaining how variables work inside functions. I thought it was very clear 
and concise. How about encapsulating it in a tip sometime? Or maybe even an 

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