[thesite] Bio, User Pages, CSS

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Wed Nov 28 19:27:30 CST 2001


> From: Michele Foster
> I'm in favour of this approach ..

as am i.

> and in fact wondered why it was done the current way.

me too.

> I'd really like to get Adrian's opinion on this.  I'm
> wondering if there's a prob with NS4.x not inheriting
> properly, and that's why the current approach was taken.

good question.  i don't personally know of any issues with nn4 and this
approach, but i've been known to learn a thing or two new once in a while.

> Now my question is, displaying the user's bio on the
> user's page .. like we discussed, then that part of the
> user's info on their user's page (link, not edit) will
> need to be within the class="side" container?

ok, yes.  i wasn't considering adding the classes to the links in the bio in
the display process but rather in the add/edit process so it only happens
once.  that way, any other place the bio is displayed it's already got the
classes on the links.

i like the approach of changing the css though.  that's a much better idea
and solves the issue of wanting to show the bio without being in a container
with a class="side".



jeff at members.evolt.org

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