[thesite] thecode FAQ - everyone read

isaac isaac at members.evolt.org
Tue Oct 9 19:33:57 CDT 2001

> till after codefest. if someone else does want to volunteer, i'll be
> happy to answer questions to get a faq going..

OK, if you can respond to those you can, I'll clean it up if necessary, and
get the text to you.

> > what about a FAQ to cover things like:
> >
> >  - any efforts to convert to SQL Server happy code
> >  - what kinda server/db it's set up to run with

A FAQ (however brief) for thecode page on sourceforge would be a good way of
keeping interesting parties aware of progress.

Currently, I have two questions that I think would be useful on thelist:

 - What server has the code been built to run on?

(Dan, insert answer here)

 - What database has the code been built to run with?

(As above - include any customisations, version numbers, etc)

 - I'm interested in running the code with SQL Server; have any efforts been
made to do this?

(Everyone: has anyone tried this? Even if nothing has happened we can
encourage it and offer tips to anyone who tries. For example, most of the
issues will lie directly in the SQL, right?)

 - Which CMS-like features does thecode support?

(Anyone? Martin?)

Does anyone else have any questions they think could be appropriate?


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