Member Pages .... Re: [thesite] user selecteble stylesheets..

isaac isaac at
Tue Oct 16 22:28:01 CDT 2001

> quod erat demonstrandum

And the kiddie version: quite enough done

> slight correction:  the scale is   0 guest, 1 user, 2 member, 3 admin, 4
> god

OK. Still got NFI re the distinction between user and member. Or why we
require that distinction. Should we assume it's a placeholder for now?

> tickets) is the member/membattr/attribute structure, then i'm sorry,
> there's no collection -- each attribute is treated independently
> of all the
> others, so that in order to privatize the skills profile, you have to
> privatize each skill, and if you wanted a message like the
> sourceforge one,
> the display routine would need a wee bit more sophistication...

I'd definitely prefer the ability to group attributes (also assists greatly
with presentation - see NEO for an example) and alter privacy per group.
What's going to be easier for users?

Also, Matt's suggestion of being able to set an even wider privacy level
should be considered. (The field in the DB is there for it, unless you have
something else in mind for that).

> try that again, only substitute "tied to the same *member* record"

Are we going to run into problems here? Aren't articles and comments tied to
users, when they would be better tied to members?

Does that need to be altered?

Or do we want authors contributing articles under their work name, and then
home alias or something?


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