Member Pages .... Re: [thesite] user selecteble stylesheets..

Michele Foster michele at
Thu Oct 18 08:47:13 CDT 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Nickel" <mnickel at>

| The UEUE table will be something like this:
| user_id
| user_name
| user_first_name
| user_last_name
| user_email
| user_password
| Maybe there would be user_priv field too.  I don't want to start putting
| information into unless we want more stuff centralized...
That just
| keeps upping the antie towards a XML-RPC/synchronization solutoin.

Priv level should be set for each *.e.o. site.  For examples, there's no
reason why Matt shouldn't have Priv 4 on f.e.o., I've got Priv 4 on a.e.o.,
and Simon should/could have Priv 3 or 4 for d.e.o., etc.

So, yes, I agree not to put role-based info in ueue. ;)


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