[thesite] Category Types .. Part II

Michele Foster michele at wordpro.on.ca
Sat Feb 2 20:00:01 CST 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "rudy" <r937 at interlog.com>

| >http://members.evolt.org/Mishka/Words/cattypes.htm
| >So, what are we doing with categorizing the categories <g>
| multiple columns (flags or option choices) on each CATEGORY
| or?
| we have a CATTYPE table but i'm not sure whether the (multiple) behaviours
| belong here or on the CATEGORY
| and if *i'm* having difficulty deciding, we're in trouble

I think option 1 .. makes the most sense to me, anyway ;)

We can keep CatType for sub-categories ??

Can you explain the dilemma?  It's obviously not something I'm

| >  Rudy, I think it was you that wanted this information.  What's next ?
| next?   members and users

Oh, I meant next to do for the cat type issue ... hehehe

How about we discuss the members/users issue on the phone or over a couple


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