[thesite] author info box option

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Thu Jan 3 17:02:40 CST 2002


> From: Daniel J. Cody
> +1.. can't we just make it like the bio blurb?

it is like the bio blurb ... everyone sees it.  ;p

> a radio button next to it saying,
> 'show this to gods|admins|logged in people|anyone|noone'

um, no.  can't we just get past "features" for the current iteration and
just roll it up to w.e.o. already?

> i don't want my name showing in that box for example.
> how do i, as a user, have it not show up?

you don't.  more people wanted the name to show than those that didn't.

> also, the form times out for me when i try to update my
> user information, no one is logged in via FTP at the
> moment either editing anything.

dunno what to tell ya, it seems to work just fine for everyone else that's
used it today.  it's probably just t.e.o.  i've noticed it's being *really*
slow today.  i just tried it again a couple of times and it worked just

> also, where is the 'additional articles published..' at
> the bottom of an article getting its results from?

uh, the content table.  ;p

> the 5 articles it pulls up for me are totally random,
> which perhaps is the purpose.. but it should at least
> by mentioned that its random since any other site that
> does a 'other articles by so and so' feature usually
> has it in an orderly fashion.

they do huh?  i rarely see enough information available in "other articles
by so and so" blocks to make the determination that there's some order to
how they're displayed.

fwiw, i think you know where they're coming from and why they're in the
order they're in.  you were one of the chief participants in the discussion
about how that portion of the page worked.  do i need to go over the find
points again?

> and wow, do we make people scroll to post a comment.

yup, moving along.

> some of these new features just seem to be there and as
> they are because thats the way they first got written
> (example would be the author picture.. because(from what
> i can tell) the first image jeff tested the feature with
> happened to be 176x91 or whatever it originally was) and
> haven't, for the most part, changed since.

that's only one tiny detail of the author block, the majority of the details
of which have been vastly altered since the initial attempts.  what exactly
are you getting at?

> not trying to rehash anything here or make more work for
> anyone, or direct this at anyones personal self.. just
> thinking outloud

then what are you getting at?


jeff at members.evolt.org

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