[thelist] Re: Boolean and asp and access

Lightning oktellme at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 27 10:25:38 CST 2004

this is my sql statemnt as is is being created by ASP.
It was working till I added the boolean field (which is REGISTER).

I have also tried to plunk in YES, No, 1, -1, +1, 0, -0, +0 ... all with
same results.

Error message is "Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E57)
The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add.
Try inserting or pasting less data." - even when giving it the numbers!

update activityTable set event=' Computer Class ' , eventType='Class' ,
Instructor= 19 , InstructorAlt= 1 , Description= ' Entry level. Classes are
very small. Pre-registration is required ', Duration=2 , Register=True,
Location= 'Buzzell Snr Center' , Frequency= 'Weekly' where activityId = 11 ;


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